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Dock construction
        On Monday, October 17, 2016 several foundation board members had the opportunity to visit Harbor of Refuge Light, to see firsthand the work being completed on the new dock. Accompanying us was Luke Browning of Marine Technologies and Laura Burgess of Keast & Hood Structural Engineers.

        We were made aware of issues with anchoring the vertical supports for the dock, and the redesign plans to overcome the obstacles. We also gained access to the interior of the light for the first time in six years. On the caisson level (the part of the light painted black), a large amount of ceiling cement has fallen, and the first two levels need a lot of cleanup. The top levels are in very good condition. The exterior needs a lot of work, and the watch room door needs replaced. Keast & Hood will be performing a full Historical Structure Assessment in the coming weeks, in order to identify top issues.

        Our thanks to Marine Technologies for their hospitality in working with us on this site visit. Dave Capino, Mike Berthold, Shane Zacharias, and Luke Browning were very helpful in making this visit possible.

Thanks to Laura Burgess and Red Moulinier for the photos below.

The barges being used by Marine Technologies, anchored next to Harbor of Refuge Light.

Looking down from the light at the location of the new dock.

Mike Berthold preparing for a dive.

Closeup of the barge with Harbor of Refuge Light in the background.

Marine Technologies Dave Capino and Foundation president Red Moulinier look over the work site from the watch room level.

Luke Browning and Dave Capino of Marine Technologies, and Laura Burgess of Keast & Hood Structural Engineers, pose on the watch room level.

September 4, 2016

        As you know, Delaware River and Bay Lighthouse Foundation has been without a dock for quite some time. The Foundation began a capital campaign for replacement of the docking system. The community, members and donors have generously donated over $100,000 in the past six years. However, this was not enough to tackle this monumental off-shore project.

        After Hurricane Sandy, a Federal grant through the United States Department of Interior for Sandy Relief for historic properties became available. The Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs for The State of Delaware is the administrator.

        The State made us aware of this grant and the Foundation applied for these monies. We were very fortunate to be the recipient of enough money to cover the cost of the dock which is over $650,000.

        The Foundation obtained quotes for engineering of the dock, an assessment of the interior and integrity of the Light and assistance with regulatory issues pertaining to the specs. Working as a team with the State of Delaware, Keast and Hood was awarded the contract.

        They will do an exterior and interior assessment of Harbor of Refuge once the dock is completed.

        Marine Technologies based out of Baltimore, was chosen to build the new dock. They have prefabricated concrete panels and structural steel and will assemble these components once mobilized at Harbor of Refuge. The start date of this project is September 20, 2016. The Foundation has been given an estimate of two weeks installation with Marine Technologies working around the clock.

        Our thanks go out to The Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs of The State of Delaware, The United Stated Department of Interior, our generous donors and members. The Foundation is so thankful to have such generous donors within our community, all of the patrons who purchased our merchandise, our outreach programs, and tours and sunset cruises over the years. Every dollar counted in this tremendous fundraising initiative.

        There is still more work to do such as interior and exterior painting, and general restoration. The Foundation welcomes financial help and volunteers through our next phase of restoration.

        Follow us on Facebook to see updates on this project.

Thank you for you continued support,
The Delaware River and Bay Lighthouse Foundation Board of Directors

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