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Posted July 1, 2007

2007 Sunset Cruise

Keep scrolling down to see photos by Judith Roales, Barb Moulinier and Herb von Goerres

These shots were taken during the June 30, 2007, Sunset Photo Cruise.

Two boats, each just comfortably crowded with lighthouse, photography, and boating enthusiasts, sailed around Delaware Breakwater East End Lighthouse and Harbor of Refuge Light Station for a pleasant two-hour evening outing.

Although the sky was almost cloudless, the weather was nearly perfect for the trip. And a hazy sun produced some appealing photo ops.

Photo #1: The Angler idles near Breakwater lighthouse with a full boat of happy participants. (Judith Roales)
Photo #2: The Indian, carrying the overflow crowd, stands off Breakwater lighthouse for photos. (Herb von Goerres)
Photo #3: Ruth Africa and Conan Raffensperger pose with the Indian's life ring. (Barb Moulinier)
Photo #4: The sun begins its slow drop behind Harbor of Refuge and the outer breakwater. (Judith Roales)
Photo #5:  Participants on the Angler enjoy the ride as they head out into the Delaware Bay on near perfect seas.  (Herb von Goerres)

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