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"Blessed Event" at
East End Lighthouse

Momma and Poppa Osprey and photographer Barbara Moulinier are pleased to announce the laying and successful hatching of two baby osprey at Delaware Breakwater East End Lighthouse sometime during the late spring.

Momma and babies posed for the picture above during the June 27 tour.  Both appeared active and healthy.

This is the third hatching atop the oil house on Delaware Breakwater since tours to the light began in 2006.  

Volunteers Red Moulinier and Charley Kopp work on painting the outside of the cast iron caisson during a July 11 work trip.

Posted July 20, 2009

Harbor of Refuge caisson gets within two gallons of a new coat of paint !

It's one of those things we should have kept a record of...but didn't.

However, now we know.  It takes seven gallons of paint to give the caisson a new coat.  So the coat Harbor of Refuge got during the work trip on July 11 was shy....maybe a "sleeve.,"  But the job will get completed during the next trip on Aug. 8.  

Considerable progress was also made on the inside of the lighthouse.  Volunteers continued paint stripping and preparation for repainting the interior of the watch room and the living quarters level just below it.  These jobs, too, may be completed on Aug. 8.


Celebrate the 
Summer Holidays
With an America Flag
Flown at Harbor of Refuge Light Station

Available just in time for this summer's patriotic celebrations.

Also great gifts for Father's Day,
birthdays, and other occasions..

Three-foot by five-foot nylon American Flags with a handsome parchment paper Certificate of Authenticity.  Just like the one in the picture below. 

Click here for details and order form.

Another Gorgeous Sunset Photo Cruise

Photos by Barbara Moulinier

New Agreement with Lewes Chamber of Commerce
Helps You Save $$ on Merchandise Purchases

When you buy any Foundation merchandise through our online catalogue, you can now opt to pickup your purchases at the Chamber of Commerce office in downtown Lewes and avoid shipping costs.

Click here to see the catalogue.

New volunteers who want to join in the preservation work at Harbor of Refuge are encouraged to contact the Foundation for more information.

Call 302-644-7046 to leave your name and contact information.

Lest You Forget How Important
Lighthouse Preservation Is,
Buy a Piece of the Old Door

The Delaware River & Bay Lighthouse Foundation has set aside pieces from the old doorway that was removed from Harbor of Refuge Lighthouse for sale as fundraising reminders of how badly preservation is needed at America's lighthouses.

The small rusted iron pieces are mounted on wooden plaques with a padded black backing.  A gold foil sticker on the backing reads: "This is a genuine piece of the Harbor of Refuge Lighthouse main door replaced in May 2009."  The Foundation's certificate of authenticity, with before and after door pictures, is included.

Small plaques, measuring about 3 x 5 or 4 X 4 inches depending on the shape, are $10 plus shipping; medium plaques, measuring 5 x 5 or    5 x 7 inches, are $15 plus shipping.  Shipping is $5.20 by Priority Mail.  But remember, if you are in the southern Delaware area, you can opt to pick up your purchase at the Lewes Chamber of Commerce and avoid shipping costs.

Click here for the order form.  

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