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Posted May 4, 2009

Foundation's Spring Fundraiser 

Fun and Profitable !

The Foundation's first big fundraising event, a spring social at the beautiful Lewes Yacht Club, attracted a crowd of nearly 100 members and non-members from Delaware and beyond.

Professional auctioneer J.D. McGrellis egged the crowd into an  enthusiastic buying mood and his efforts, along with items sold at a silent auction, made the night a financial success.

Popular local deejay, DJ Surf provided music, and the yacht club dished up great food.  Plus, the donors of two of the auction items (appetizers for 6 and $50 worth of bakery products) brought samples for the crowd.

It was a warm evening with a great sunset, beautiful decorations, and cheerful attendees.  In other words, a perfect event.





We're ready for the new door!

  First Work Crew Trip Results in 
  New Platform for Door Delivery

After several failed attempts due to weather, a hardy crew of volunteers finally had a successful work day at Harbor of Refuge on Saturday, April 25.

First order of business:  replace the deck (lost in September 2008).  But not just with the same old, same old.  With a super-duper, extra wide deck that will allow plenty of room to maneuver as the U.S. Army of Corps unloads the new lighthouse door and goes to work on installation.  Installation is scheduled for as soon as weather permits.

Volunteers also did the annual spring house cleaning at Harbor of Refuge and a swing-by for damage assessment at Delaware Breakwater East End.  Old Man Winter was kind this year; damage at both lights was minimal.

                 The 10th Anniversary Telescope
A highlight of the day was assembly and installation of a Bushnell telescope on the fourth level at Harbor of Refuge, which has been designated as a gallery area for displays.  The telescope was the gift of DRBLHF Board Member John Gordon. John celebrated his tenth anniversary at his job recently and decided to use his anniversary gift to help the Foundation also celebrate its tenth anniversary in existence. Using the telescope, future tour participants will be able to get a good look at birds and marine life, the condition of the 1901 breakwater, ship traffic, and the southern Delaware shoreline.

Celebrate the Summer Holidays
With an America Flag
Flown at Harbor or Refuge Light Station

Available just in time for this summer's patriotic celebrations.

Also great gifts for Father's Day.

Three-foot by four-foot nylon American Flags with a handsome parchment paper Certificate of Authenticity. 

Click here for details and order form.

Enlarge deck (below) and volunteer Jerry Perrin inspecting the iron before work begins (right)


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