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Time for some beautiful sunset cruises again.
The profits will go towards a new docking station and other restoration projects at Harbor of Refuge Lighthouse.
2015 cruises for an evening of enjoyment and sightseeing:
Saturday June 13, 2015 7 to 9 PM
Saturday July 25, 2015 6:30 to 8:30 PM
Sunday September 13, 2015 5:30 to 7:30 PM

Check-in required 15 minutes before departure.
Meet at Anglers Fishing Center
213 Anglers Road
Anglers Marina, Lewes, DE
(Go to the end of Anglers Road, approximately 100 yards past Irish Eyes Restaurant in Lewes)
To reserve your space, book at least one week prior to cruise date.
Call: Red Moulinier
Home: (302) 226-3866 or Cell phone: (302) 542-4432
We will cruise up the canal, out to both Breakwater Light and Harbor of Refuge Light.
On many of the cruises we have seen lots of dolphins so bring your cameras.
This is a BYOB and snacks event. The cost for the cruise is $30.00 per person.

Registration Form/Payment must be received in advance of the cruise. (Form Here)

Delaware River & Bay Lighthouse Foundation

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The 2014 Lighthouse Tours have been canceled due to lack of transportation funds which were provided in the past by the Delaware River & Bay Authority and the state of Delaware Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs.

The Foundation is an all volunteer organization. Before we can resume tours and restoration work of the Harbor of Refuge we must first solve the problem of the dock. As you can see from the photos below the dock is not safe for use. We welcome ideas and funds for fixing the dock.

We are planning on offering sunset cruises, near both lights. We will post info here when our plans are firmed up.

Harbor of Refuge Light Station

This lighthouse is currently closed for repairs made necessary by severe storm damage.

(L)Dock before damage     (R) Unusable dock (This photo is over a year old, before Hurricane Sandy and other storms. Damage is much worse now.)

Donate to the dock fund.

Check out the Foundation's catalog of fundraising items.
Thank you!

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