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Dock Dedication Ceremony - June 17, 2017



Our six year wait is over - the dock at Harbor of Refuge Light was completed 17 Nov 2016

      The Board of Directors have many to thank:

      Joan Larrivee of the Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs for her assistance in the administration of Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief Assistance Grant for Historic Properties, US Department of the Interior, which was key to the funding of the dock replacement.

      Thanks to Luke Browning and the crew of Marine Technologies Incorporated for the great job they did in a very challenging environment.

      Our thanks also to Laura Burgess and Mat Dow of Keast & Hood Structural Engineers for the vital role they've played throughout the project.

      Most of all we'd like to thank all of our supporters - you helped make this possible!

      Thanks to Luke Browning of MTI and Red Moulinier for providing the photos:

Structural Steel being placed
20 Ton Side panel being placed

Aerial view of Steel structure
MTI Crew securing the side panel to the structural steel

Prefab Concrete in place on the front and sides

Crew and additional steel being placed
Prep for additional concrete of top of structure

Aerial view of the new dock. The two rectangular cutouts are covered with grates, and will allow storm water through, to reduce stress on the dock structure.

Front view of the dock, showing the bumpers and ladder

Side view of the dock

New steps leading from the breakwater to the collar (handrails to be added). No more step ladders needed to get up to the caisson level!

Mat Daw and Laura Burgess conducting the Lighthouse Structural Assessment
We finally have a new dock at Harbor of Refuge. Next steps will be cleaning up and restoration of the Harbor of Refuge. No doubt it needs a paint job! Let us know if you'd like to help.

For more pictures and history on the dock's repairs, click here.

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